User Registration Page

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E-mail: *
 Your Email Id should be used as login ID
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Telephone No:
Mobile No: *
Address: *
City: *
PIN No: *
State: *
CA/Tax Practitioners:
Enter Captcha:


1. Enter your Email ID (which will be used as your EasyLBT login ID.
2. Enter all Mandatory details.
3. Enter your Mobile number (all sms alerts will be sent to this mobile number).
4. Click on checkbox in case of CAs or Tax Practitioners.
5. Enter Captcha code as mentioned in the image.
6. Enter One-Time Password and Submit details.
7. Click on Resend one time password if OTP is not received in your registered mobile number (mobile number entered during time of registration) and follow Steps 5. and 6.
8. After successful submission an email activation link and password will be sent to the Email ID. Activate your user ID and login to the application using the provided password.