Information Under Right To Information Act 2005
A. Information Officer
B. Assistant Information Officer
C. Appellate Authority
Detail Information
No. | Information Act 2005 4(1)(B) |
1 | Public Authority Format a & b |
2 | The Particulars of its Organisation, Function, Financial & Administrative and Duties Format a, b,c, d & e |
3 | The Procedure Followed in the Decision Making Process, Including Channels of Supervision and Accountability |
4 | The Particulars of Physical & Financial Norms set for discharge of the Functions in the office. |
5 | The rules / regulation related with the functions |
6 | Statement of Categories of documents held in the office. |
7 | The Particulars of any Arrangement that Exists for Consultation with, or Representation by, the Member of Public in Relation to the Formulation Of its Policy or Implementation in office |
8 | A Statement of the Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies |
9 | Directory of Officers & employees |
10 | The Monthly remuneration received by each of its Officers and Employees |
11 | Details of allocation of Budget & disbursement Made in Office. Format A For current year Format B For previous year |
12 | The Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes, Including the Amounts Allocated and the Details of Beneficiaries of such Programmes FormatA, Format B |
13 | Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Autherisations Granted in the office |
14 | Details of of information available in electronic form in the office. |
15 | The Particulars of Facilities Available to Citizens for Obtaining information in the office. |
16 | The Names, Designation and other Particulars of the Public Information Officers. A. Information Officer B. Assistant Information Officer C. Appleate Authority |
17 | Routine decisions /important policies which you foresee will effect public. List of issues in which administrative & quasi- judicial dicisions are generally taken in the office. |
Last updated on : 12/10/2018 10:10